
Northern Isles: Iceland, Faroe Islands & Scotland

Seabourn Venture


19 Jun ‘25

Detalles del crucero

14 noches   Seabourn Venture  

Itinerario: Reykjavik, Islandia - Grundarfjordur, Islandia - Flatey Island, Iceland - Dynjandi, Iceland - Siglufjorour, Iceland - Grimsey Island - Husavik - Papey Island, Iceland - Torshavn, Islas Feroe - Isle of Noss - Lerwick - Lerwick - Mousa, Shetland Islands - Fair Isle - Kirkwall - Kirkwall - Copinsay Island, Scotland - Greenwich (Londres), Reino Unido

Alojamiento de mejor valor seleccionado expresado en dolares americanos



19th Jun 2025
Reykjavik, Islandia

Al calor de la corriente del Golfo, así como por la gran actividad de manantiales y volcanes termales, Islandia es un tanto mal llamada. Si bien es un país marcado y estéril con tres grandes áreas de glaciares, una teoría es que a principios los Escandinavos buscaron engañar a otros colonos potenciales dándole un nombre feroz, inhóspito como Groenlandia, y un nombre que veda la inminente habitabilidad de Islandia. Monjes y ermitaños Irlandeses se establecieron aquí en el siglo octavo, pero la dejaron un siglo más tarde, cuando los Normandos paganos llegaron. El Primer Parlamento de la Asamblea General, el Althing de Europa, fue fundada en el año 930 y todavía funciona como el órgano legislativo, a pesar de que fue suspendido por los Daneses a finales del siglo 18 y no se volvió a convocar hasta 1843. Reykjavik fue el lugar escogido por el primer residente permanente de la isla, Ingolfur Arnarson en 874, y es el hogar de más de la mitad de la población total de la isla. La capital más septentrional del mundo, Reikiavik se enorgullece de su carencia virtual de la contaminación atmosférica. Tanto la energía eléctrica y calefacción de los hogares se derivan de la actividad geotérmica en la isla. Grandes piscinas de la ciudad son siempre cálidas, y las frutas exóticas de campo como las uvas y los plátanos se cultivan en invernaderos acogedores hechos con la ayuda de aguas termales subterráneas.

20th Jun 2025
Grundarfjordur, Islandia

The charming small fishing village of Grundarfjörður is located in the middle of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula and thus provides easy access to Stykkishólmur, Snæfellsbær and the Snæfellsnes National Park. Its best-known landmark is undoubtedly the peak of Mt. Kirkjufell. Translated as ‘church mountain,’ Kirkjufell is the most easily recognizable peak, and one of the most photographed mountains in Iceland. During summer months a Viking Village is built in the center of town where Viking re-enactments occur quite regularly. During the Á góðri stund town festival in July, the town’s 900 residents decorate their houses in red, blue, yellow, and green, transforming the town into a spinning kaleidoscope of color.

The town first began trade in 1786, and around 1800, French merchants came to Iceland and settled in Grundarfjörður, where they constructed a church and a hospital. The town has prospered through the fishing industry for a long time. The surrounding sea is rich with birdlife & marine life throughout the year.

21st Jun 2025
Flatey Island, Iceland
21st Jun 2025
Dynjandi, Iceland
22nd Jun 2025
Siglufjorour, Iceland

Siglufjörður is the northernmost town on the Icelandic mainland, a small fishing village of some 1,200 people. Founded in 1918, it was in the past the capital of the North Atlantic herring fishing industry. The Síldarminjasafnið Herring Era Museum, one of Iceland’s largest seafaring and industrial museums, houses three different areas where one can learn about both the traditional and the modern herring industry. A collection of many historic fishing vessels and artifacts is proudly displayed by the people of Siglufjörður, detailing how herring was salted, processed and collected. The small harbor with its colorful fishing boats and the red-roofed steeple of the Lutheran church dominate the village-scape.

The natural beauty of the area includes high mountains that rim the fjord, freshwater lakes, the Hólsá river, black sand beaches, and a wealth of birdlife all around. This northernmost region of Iceland is renowned for some of the largest and most dramatic waterfalls in the country.

23rd Jun 2025
Grimsey Island
24th Jun 2025
25th Jun 2025
Papey Island, Iceland
26th Jun 2025
Torshavn, Islas Feroe

Un distante puesto de avanzada de Dinamarca, las Islas Feroe aparecen de repente de la bruma del Atlántico Norte, cerca de 200 millas de la recalada más cercana. De las veinte y dos islas del grupo, diecisiete están habitadas, con una población de 17.000 residen en la ciudad capital de Torshavn. Los Monjes Irlandeses descubrieron las islas en el siglo octavo y se convirtieron en los primeros pobladores, sólo para ser expulsados por los Vikingos los exploradores de un siglo más tarde. Las tradiciones y leyendas de sus antepasados Vikingos se mantienen vivas en el antiguo idioma Nórdico que los isleños Feroe todavía pueden leer en los antiguos textos inscritos hace siglos. El nombre Feroe proviene de faereyjar, la palabra en Nórdico antiguo que significa “Islas ovejas.” Con miles de ovejas que salpican las laderas, el nombre sigue siendo apto hoy. Mientras que las ovejas son importantes para la economía, la verdadera riqueza de las islas proviene de la industria pesquera. Una flota de más de 300 arrastreros y los barcos de línea de pesca traen a un plazo promedio anual de 245.000 toneladas de bacalao y arenque. Plantas de procesamiento y congelación ultra-modernos hacen que el trabajo de conseguir el producto en el mercado sea la manera más eficiente.

27th Jun 2025
At Sea
28th Jun 2025
Isle of Noss
28th Jun 2025

Lerwick, Britain’s most northerly town, and is a small, bustling, cosmopolitan seaport with a population of over 7,000 people and fine architecture. Shetland Museum, located on Hay’s Dock, is an award- winning attraction. Discover the island’s many secrets through its exhibits, and take a look in the boat shed, where you can see demonstrations of traditional boat building. Also of interest is the stone-walled town hall, built in 1884, displaying an impressive array of beautifully intricate stained glass. Towering St. Magnus Cathedral, constructed in 1863, is likewise well worth a visit.

People have lived and prospered here since Neolithic times. The site of Clickimin Broch, a hollow-stone-walled structure, was a Late Bronze Age farmstead of the 7th century BCE. Historic Fort Charlotte, built in 1653, is a five-sided fortress, with cannon batteries pointing out to sea. The Shetland Textile Museum, with its fine weaving, and the quaint Crofters Museum will detail life in a much gentler time. The name Lerwick is derived from Norse and means ‘bay of clay.’

29th Jun 2025

Lerwick, Britain’s most northerly town, and is a small, bustling, cosmopolitan seaport with a population of over 7,000 people and fine architecture. Shetland Museum, located on Hay’s Dock, is an award- winning attraction. Discover the island’s many secrets through its exhibits, and take a look in the boat shed, where you can see demonstrations of traditional boat building. Also of interest is the stone-walled town hall, built in 1884, displaying an impressive array of beautifully intricate stained glass. Towering St. Magnus Cathedral, constructed in 1863, is likewise well worth a visit.

People have lived and prospered here since Neolithic times. The site of Clickimin Broch, a hollow-stone-walled structure, was a Late Bronze Age farmstead of the 7th century BCE. Historic Fort Charlotte, built in 1653, is a five-sided fortress, with cannon batteries pointing out to sea. The Shetland Textile Museum, with its fine weaving, and the quaint Crofters Museum will detail life in a much gentler time. The name Lerwick is derived from Norse and means ‘bay of clay.’

29th Jun 2025
Mousa, Shetland Islands

Mousa is a small island in Shetland, Scotland, uninhabited since the nineteenth century. The island is known for the Broch of Mousa, an Iron Age round tower, and is designated as a Special Protection Area for storm-petrel breeding colonies.

29th Jun 2025
Fair Isle

Fair Isle is an island in Shetland, in northern Scotland. It lies about halfway between mainland Shetland and Orkney. It is known for its bird observatory and a traditional style of knitting. The island has been owned by the National Trust for Scotland since 1954.

30th Jun 2025

Kirkwall is the largest town of Orkney, an archipelago to the north of mainland Scotland. The name Kirkwall comes from the Norse name Kirkjuvágr, which later changed to Kirkvoe, Kirkwaa and Kirkwall.

1st Jul 2025

Kirkwall is the largest town of Orkney, an archipelago to the north of mainland Scotland. The name Kirkwall comes from the Norse name Kirkjuvágr, which later changed to Kirkvoe, Kirkwaa and Kirkwall.

1st Jul 2025
Copinsay Island, Scotland
2nd Jul 2025
At Sea
3rd Jul 2025
Greenwich (Londres), Reino Unido

Londres es uno de los grandes centros de entretenimiento, finanzas y moda del mundo. Su origen se remonta a los tiempos antiguos, cuando los Romanos lo convirtieron en un centro de su sistema de carreteras y construyeron el primer puente de Londres. En realidad, hay dos ciudades separadas – la ciudad de Londres y la Ciudad de Westminster – y funcionan una al lado de la otra. La ciudad de Londres es sobre todo un lugar de negocios y finanzas, mientras que Westminster (West End) es el entorno nacional de las Casas del Parlamento y el Palacio de Buckingham, así como teatros, clubes, parques y tiendas de todo tipo. * Tenga en cuenta que el embarque y / o desembarque en Londres, Reino Unido requiere el uso de una licitación.

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