
Golden Week To Glacier Bay

Seabourn Sojourn


24 Abr ‘26

Detalles del crucero

21 noches   Seabourn Sojourn  

Itinerario: Yokohama, Japan - Yokohama, Japan - Hitachinaka, Japan - Sendai, Japan - Hakodate, Japan - Kushiro, Japan - Cross International Dateline - Kodiak, Alaska, US - Glacier Bay - Sitka, Alaska, US - Klawock, Alaska - Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada - Inside Passage - Vancouver, B.C., CA

Alojamiento de mejor valor seleccionado expresado en dolares americanos



24th Abr 2026
Yokohama, Japan
25th Abr 2026
Yokohama, Japan
26th Abr 2026
Hitachinaka, Japan
27th Abr 2026
Sendai, Japan
28th Abr 2026
At Sea
29th Abr 2026
Hakodate, Japan

This important port on Japan’s northern Hokkaido Island was the first to be opened to European and American trade. The result of this is a trove of Western-style buildings in the suburb of Motomachi that gives the impression of a movie set. The bell of the distinctive Haristo Greek Orthodox church is designated one of Japan’s official treasured “100 soundscapes.” Hokkaido is famous for its hot springs, much beloved by the Japanese. Yunokawa Hot Spring enjoys a commanding view of the sea, and its botanical garden is home to the Japanese macaques called “snow monkeys” because of their habit of soaking in the hot springs during the northern winter. Goryokaku is a 150-year old star fortress that holds the Magistrate’s Office, an excellent example of traditional Japanese architecture. Get a panoramic view from the observation platform atop the Goryokaku Tower.

30th Abr 2026
Kushiro, Japan

Blessed by a protective range of mountains and a relatively warm ocean current, Kushiro gets less than a third of the winter snow of its Hokkaido neighbor Sapporo, and twice as much sunshine as the nearby Kuril Islands. Thus it is an important reliably ice-free port during the winter. Like all of Japan, it is riddled with semi-active geothermal features and occasionally rattled by tremors. Scenic Lake Akan is ringed by hot springs. It also has an Ainu Koten museum with a replica village and folklore performances of the indigenous Hokkaido people. The Japanese Crane Reserve is a good place to see breeding populations of these large and graceful birds, so respected by the Japanese. The city encompasses Japan’s largest wetland, and the Kushiro City Marsh Observatory has a boardwalk to see it, as well as the Fureai Horse Park which offers equestrian tours into the forest.

1st May 2026
At Sea
2nd May 2026
Cross International Dateline
3rd May 2026
At Sea
4th May 2026
At Sea
5th May 2026
At Sea
6th May 2026
At Sea
7th May 2026
At Sea
8th May 2026
Kodiak, Alaska, US

The largest of the Aleutian Islands, Kodiak is also Alaska’s largest island the second largest in the United States. Although occupied by native people for some 7,000 years, it languished in relative obscurity until the Second World War, when it housed as many as 25,000 troops. Fort Abercrombie, once the major center of North Pacific operations, today is a State Historic Park and a good place to learn the history. At the other end of the road system is the United States Coast Guard’s largest base, with a fleet of orange and white watercraft and aircraft that serves the Alaskan fishing fleet and other shipping and maritime activities in the Pacific area. Kodiak harbor is seasonally home to a fleet of some 650 fishing vessels, including huge trawlers, long-line and crab boats. Fishing is also a popular draw for visitors, but they also are attracted by opportunities to view and photograph local birds and wildlife, including the island’s massive brown bears, the males of which weigh as much as 1,500 pounds and stand ten feet tall. In the town, the fur warehouse originally built by the Russian American Company in 1808 is now the Baranov Museum, the oldest standing building in Alaska.

9th May 2026
At Sea
10th May 2026
Glacier Bay

Designated as an International World Heritage Site in 1992, Glacier Bay is also a National Monument, a National Park and a designated Biosphere Reserve. Over millennia, Glacier Bay has experienced many major advances of its glaciers. When first surveyed in 1794 by a team under the command of British captain George Vancouver on HMS Discovery, its vast glaciers extended well beyond present-day margins of the bay.

Temperate, coniferous rainforest dominates its southern shores. Black and brown bears, wolves, moose, eagles and ravens all go about their daily routines, while harbor seals and whales frolic within the bay waters.

Glacier Bay has two major arms, East and West, and over fifty named glaciers, some of which push forward at three to six feet per day. Combined with Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Canada’s Kluane National Park and Alsek-Tatshenshini Park, Glacier Bay encompasses the largest protected wilderness area on earth. This is a truly a place of awe-inspiring beauty and an icon of wild Alaska.

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11th May 2026
Sitka, Alaska, US

A stroll through the streets and National Historic Park of Sitka is a glimpse into its unique and colorful past. A blend of Tlingit and Russian cultures defines this first capital of Alaska. Although fish canning and gold mining were the initial catalysts for growth in Sitka, the construction of an air base during World War II truly paved the way for Sitka to come into its own. One of Sitka’s most intriguing structures is the Cathedral of Saint Michael, built in 1848 to honor a Russian Orthodox bishop.

Sitka’s history begins thousands of years ago with the Tlingit people and their use of the land for sustenance and spirituality. Old Sitka, located just north of the present-day settlement, was founded by Russian-American Company trader Alexander Baranov in 1799. Originally named Novo-Arkhangelsk (New Archangel) under Russian rule, its name was changed to Sitka after Alaska was purchased by the United States in 1867. Sitka is a Tlingit word meaning ‘by the sea.’

12th May 2026
Klawock, Alaska
13th May 2026
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada

Prince Rupert, set amongst the coastal mountains, is the jumping-off point for travelers joining the coastal ferries to Haida Gwaii, Vancouver or north to Alaska. Highlights include the quaint Cow Bay with its shops and restaurants, the Museum of Northern British Columbia, the totem carving house or the stunning sunken gardens.

Prince Rupert certainly has abundant wildlife. Whether you join a local boat for whale-watching, hike along the Butze Rapids or take a scenic flight, you are sure to be pleased. The region is home to the highest concentration of grizzly bears in North America. The Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary, established in 1994, was the first area in Canada to be protected specifically for grizzlies and their habitat.

Founded in 1910, the town was named for Prince Rupert, who was a governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1670. Prince Rupert is the northern terminus of the Canadian National Railway and an important port for goods moving towards Alaska.


14th May 2026
Inside Passage

The upper latitudes of North America’s Pacific Coast are blessed with a long strand of islands scattered just offshore of the mainland. These islands provide shelter from the swells generated across the expanse of the world’s largest ocean, and offer one of the most scenic passages for ships to be found anywhere on the globe. Stretching from Washington State’s Puget Sound northward through British Columbia, Canada onward to the Panhandle of Southeast Alaska, it threads between forested islands and coastal mountain ranges, encompassing a total of over 45,000 miles of coastline, thousands of islands and innumerable coves. It is comprised of the Strait of Georgia, Johnstone Strait, the more open Hecate Strait near the Haida Gwai (formerly Queen Charlotte Islands), Fitz Hugh Sound, and the Princess Royal and Grenville Channels. These waterways are subject to tidal currents with variable velocity resulting from their restricted channels. At the northern end, diurnal tides can change the sea level by as much as 30 feet (9 meters), underlining the importance of using knowledgeable pilots during any passage. A wide variety of vessels pass through the Inside Passage in both directions. People on board enjoy the scenic land- and seascapes, as well as frequent sightings of wildlife including whales, seals, birds and occasionally bears. VIEW CRUISES

15th May 2026
Vancouver, B.C., CA

The humble beginnings of the City of Vancouver, in the settlement of Gastown on Burrard Inlet, rose out of the old growth forests and the sawdust of the old Hastings Mill. Its location between the Pacific Ocean and the snow-capped coastal mountains creates one of the most idyllic settings of any city in the world. As a world-class city it has the best of both worlds, intermingling urban sophistication with a sense of wilderness and outdoor adventure. Whether you are exploring Vancouver’s diverse downtown core, strolling through the giant trees of Stanley Park or taking in the 20 miles (30 km) of uninterrupted waterfront trails along the seawall, you are bound to fall in love with Canada’s third largest metropolitan center, which is consistently ranked as one of most livable cities on earth.

In 1886, the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Vancouver, completing Canada’s ‘National Dream’ of a connection between east and west, and opening up new trade routes between Asia and Europe. The city was named for British captain and explorer George Vancouver.

Vida a bordo

El segundo de la nueva clase de Seabourn de buques, Seabourn Sojourn, también fue construido en T. Mariotti patio en Génova. Su debut fue el 6 de junio de 2010, en el medio del Río Támesis en Londres. La Madrina de Seabourn Sojourn fue la Inglesa icono de la moda y actriz Twiggy. Al igual que sus hermanas, Seabourn Sojourn encanta a sus huéspedes con una gran variedad de áreas públicas a escala para fomentar una relajada sociabilidad. Una de las características más singulares del Seabourn Sojourn y sus hermanas es la Plaza de Seabourn, una ingeniosa “sala de estar”, que reemplaza el vestíbulo tradicional del barco de crucero con un salón acogedor lleno de sillones, sofás y mesas de cóctel. Un enclave en su centro alberga conserjes conocedores discretamente sentados en escritorios individuales, listo para manejar todo tipo de negocios o dar asesoramiento e información. Las tiendas de la nave están convenientemente situadas justo al lado de la plaza y tienen su propia terraza al aire libre a popa. El Spa de Seabourn es el más grande en cualquier barco de ultra-lujo, 11.400 metros cuadrados que abarca el espacio interior y exterior a través de dos cubiertas. Una variedad de terrazas abiertas están dispersas en siete cubiertas, ofreciendo lugares para reunirse con unos amigos o pasar una hora aislada con un libro. El Seabourn Sojourn ofrece seis jacuzzis y dos piscinas, incluyendo la piscina del patio, con un par de grandes bañeras de hidromasaje y una “playa” piscina de estilo, un ambiente informal Patio Grill y el Bar Patio. En la terraza de arriba se puede sentar al aire libre en el popular Seabourn Sky Bar. En lo alto de la cubierta 11 hay una terraza con 36 tumbonas dobles con gradas. Apenas detrás de esto esta El Retiro, con canchas de tejo y un putting green de nueve hoyos. La Observación bar panorámico en el Deck 10 ofrece 270 visitas hacia adelante sobre el mar. El Club es un lugar animado para bailar antes y después de la cena, mientras que el más grande Gran Salón se utiliza para bailar, así como para conferencias, espectáculos, actuaciones vocales de producción de cabaret y recitales clásicos.

Servicio de Habitaciones
Patio Grill (Asador)
Bar Sky
The Colonnade
The Restaurant 2

Cubierta de Deportes

Salon de Belleza
Tratamientos Faciales
Piscina de Talasoterapia

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