
Caribe desde Miami

MSC Seaside


19 Dic ‘25

Detalles del crucero

14 noches   MSC Seaside  

Itinerario: Miami - Nassau - Ocean Cay Reserva Marina MSC, Bahamas - Puerto Plata - Miami - Cozumel - Isla de Roatán - Costa Maya - Ocean Cay Reserva Marina MSC, Bahamas - Miami


U$S 2,553 por persona

Alojamiento de mejor valor seleccionado expresado en dolares americanos



19th Dic 2025

Miami is called the gateway to the Americas, and it’s indeed a very glamourous global city to explore at the start or end of an MSC Caribbean and Antilles cruise. Home to many cultures, the city of Miami sizzles with flavours from the Americas, beginning with Cuba and the Little Havana neighbourhood – one of the most historically significant places, while Wynwood is famous for its wall art and Puerto Rican history.

Across Biscayne Bay lies the city of Miami Beach, home to the world-famous South Beach. An MSC-arranged guided private tour opens up a world of possibilities for you: enjoy the beach, take in the city’s Art Deco architecture and enjoy a drink on legendary Ocean Drive, where you can people watch, and perhaps spot a celebrity. If time permits, take a stroll on artsy Lincoln Road packed with street side cafes and shops.

Facing the MSC Cruises port in downtown Miami is Bayside Marketplace – a lively commercial centre that is a staging area for boat tours of Miami. Seeing the city from the water, with its impressive skyline and waterfront mansions, is an experience in itself. The downtown area also boasts the dazzling Performing Arts Centre, the Museum of Science, the Pérez Art Museum Miami (known as the PAMM), scenic Bayfront Park and the arena where the 3-time NBA champion Miami Heat basketball team plays.

Miami is renowned for its shopping. Hop on a tour to see the major city sights followed by retail therapy at one of Miami’s largest and newest shopping malls: Dolphin Mall. With more than 240 retail outlets, you’re bound to need a bit of room in your luggage for your purchases. Luckily, there are several luggage stores at the mall to fill that need.
Head west past the city into untamed wilderness on an MSC excursion into the Everglades. At this national park where water is the central feature, unlike any other in North America, nature enthusiasts can hop on an airboat tour through the swampland and waterways to spot alligators and a variety of birds.

20th Dic 2025
En el mar
21st Dic 2025

El puerto de Nassau se encuentra en la parte noreste de la Isla de Nueva Providencia. La isla es plana, cubierta de bosques de pinos, lagos y pantanos. En el norte hay playas maravillosas, puertos turísticos, campos de golf y muchos otros lugares de ocio y tiempo libre. También hay una cadena de montañas, que alcanzan una altura máxima de 41 metros. Nassau es la capital y es un importante centro de las finanzas internacionales y también organiza conferencias a nivel mundial. Apreciado por su puerto protegido, la ciudad hizo historia y la preservó maravillosamente en mansiones Victorianas, catedrales, fortalezas del siglo 18 y Escalera de la Reina, cuyos 66 escalones conducen a una visión que no debe perderse. Nassau es el hogar de curtidos, antiguas fortalezas, elegantes, noble arquitectura y la fina artesanía y productos locales e internacionales, elaborados y finos, hechos a mano como los largos batik a los relojes Rolex. Una gran cantidad de hoteles resort de lujo, casinos, espectáculos de cabaret, y muelles de cruceros hacen de Nassau en un vibrante centro de entretenimiento, así como el comercio.

22nd Dic 2025
Ocean Cay Reserva Marina MSC, Bahamas
23rd Dic 2025
En el mar
24th Dic 2025
Puerto Plata

San Felipe de Puerto Plata es la capital de la provincia de Puerto Plata, en la costa norte atlántica de la República Dominicana. La ciudad es más conocida por sus playas. El extenso paseo marítimo de Playa Dorada está respaldado por complejos turísticos y un campo de golf de 18 hoyos. El antiguo centro de la ciudad, de la época colonial, está dominado por la Fortaleza Sa Felipe, del siglo XVI, una fortaleza española que ahora alberga objetos históricos y militares.

25th Dic 2025
En el mar
26th Dic 2025

Miami is called the gateway to the Americas, and it’s indeed a very glamourous global city to explore at the start or end of an MSC Caribbean and Antilles cruise. Home to many cultures, the city of Miami sizzles with flavours from the Americas, beginning with Cuba and the Little Havana neighbourhood – one of the most historically significant places, while Wynwood is famous for its wall art and Puerto Rican history.

Across Biscayne Bay lies the city of Miami Beach, home to the world-famous South Beach. An MSC-arranged guided private tour opens up a world of possibilities for you: enjoy the beach, take in the city’s Art Deco architecture and enjoy a drink on legendary Ocean Drive, where you can people watch, and perhaps spot a celebrity. If time permits, take a stroll on artsy Lincoln Road packed with street side cafes and shops.

Facing the MSC Cruises port in downtown Miami is Bayside Marketplace – a lively commercial centre that is a staging area for boat tours of Miami. Seeing the city from the water, with its impressive skyline and waterfront mansions, is an experience in itself. The downtown area also boasts the dazzling Performing Arts Centre, the Museum of Science, the Pérez Art Museum Miami (known as the PAMM), scenic Bayfront Park and the arena where the 3-time NBA champion Miami Heat basketball team plays.

Miami is renowned for its shopping. Hop on a tour to see the major city sights followed by retail therapy at one of Miami’s largest and newest shopping malls: Dolphin Mall. With more than 240 retail outlets, you’re bound to need a bit of room in your luggage for your purchases. Luckily, there are several luggage stores at the mall to fill that need.
Head west past the city into untamed wilderness on an MSC excursion into the Everglades. At this national park where water is the central feature, unlike any other in North America, nature enthusiasts can hop on an airboat tour through the swampland and waterways to spot alligators and a variety of birds.

27th Dic 2025
En el mar
28th Dic 2025

Cozumel es la isla más grande de México, ubicada a sólo 12 millas de la costa de la Península de Yucatán. Cozumel mide 28 millas de largo y 10 millas de ancho y es mundialmente reconocida por sus deslumbrantes playas de arena blanca y la extraordinaria claridad del multicolor océano azul del Caribe dónde está localizada. El clima es subtropical y las personas nativas de Cozumel son de ascendencia maya.

29th Dic 2025
Isla de Roatán

Una experiencia maravillosa, admirando a los delfines en su hábitat natural, podrá tocar estas emocionantes criaturas y nadar con ellas en las cristalinas aguas de las playas de las islas.

30th Dic 2025
Costa Maya

La zona arqueológica de Chacchoben le llevará en un viaje de descubrimiento de la historia y los secretos de la Civilización Maya.

31st Dic 2025
En el mar
1st Ene 2026
Ocean Cay Reserva Marina MSC, Bahamas
2nd Ene 2026

Miami is called the gateway to the Americas, and it’s indeed a very glamourous global city to explore at the start or end of an MSC Caribbean and Antilles cruise. Home to many cultures, the city of Miami sizzles with flavours from the Americas, beginning with Cuba and the Little Havana neighbourhood – one of the most historically significant places, while Wynwood is famous for its wall art and Puerto Rican history.

Across Biscayne Bay lies the city of Miami Beach, home to the world-famous South Beach. An MSC-arranged guided private tour opens up a world of possibilities for you: enjoy the beach, take in the city’s Art Deco architecture and enjoy a drink on legendary Ocean Drive, where you can people watch, and perhaps spot a celebrity. If time permits, take a stroll on artsy Lincoln Road packed with street side cafes and shops.

Facing the MSC Cruises port in downtown Miami is Bayside Marketplace – a lively commercial centre that is a staging area for boat tours of Miami. Seeing the city from the water, with its impressive skyline and waterfront mansions, is an experience in itself. The downtown area also boasts the dazzling Performing Arts Centre, the Museum of Science, the Pérez Art Museum Miami (known as the PAMM), scenic Bayfront Park and the arena where the 3-time NBA champion Miami Heat basketball team plays.

Miami is renowned for its shopping. Hop on a tour to see the major city sights followed by retail therapy at one of Miami’s largest and newest shopping malls: Dolphin Mall. With more than 240 retail outlets, you’re bound to need a bit of room in your luggage for your purchases. Luckily, there are several luggage stores at the mall to fill that need.
Head west past the city into untamed wilderness on an MSC excursion into the Everglades. At this national park where water is the central feature, unlike any other in North America, nature enthusiasts can hop on an airboat tour through the swampland and waterways to spot alligators and a variety of birds.

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