
Great Alaska Explorer



23 Ago ‘26

Detalles del crucero

14 noches   Noordam  

Itinerario: Seattle, Washington - Kodiak, Alaska, US - Anchorage, Alaska, US - Valdez, Alaska - Crucero Glaciar Hubbard - Juneau - Ketchikan - Prince Rupert British Colombia - Escénica de crucero - Nanaimo - Seattle, Washington


U$S 3,531 por persona

Alojamiento de mejor valor seleccionado expresado en dolares americanos



23rd Ago 2026
Seattle, Washington

La Ciudad Esmeralda del Pacífico Noroeste, Seattle es conocida por su impresionante paseo marítimo. “Catch” un salmón en el Pike Place Market, paseo a la cima del Space Needle, deguste una microcervecería local en Fremont, o una taza de café en la capital del café en el mundo.

24th Ago 2026
En el mar
25th Ago 2026
En el mar
26th Ago 2026
Kodiak, Alaska, US

Kodiak is all about bears. And what bears! This unique subspecies named for the Kodiak Archipelago where they are found evolved in isolation for around 12,000 years and can reach heights of 3 meters, or 10 feet, when standing on their hind legs. One of the world’s largest carnivores, the bears have a diet that goes far beyond meat (they can sleep for up to eight months, then wake up ravenous to feast predominantly on grass, plants, berries and fish). About 3,500 live on this tiny island, meaning you have a great chance of seeing one, if not many, from May through October!

Shrubs and bushes cover the rolling hills here, giving Kodiak its Emerald Isle nickname. It was once a prime native hunting ground for the Alutiit, but their population plummeted after Russian traders and fur trappers settled the area in the late 1700s. Bought by the United States in 1867, Kodiak grew into a commercial fishing center. Today both the island and the hardworking town that shares its name attract anglers, hunters, adventure travelers and nature photographers. Top highlights include the Baranov Museum, the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge.

27th Ago 2026
Anchorage, Alaska, US

From ice-blue glaciers to beluga whales and the famous bore tide, a single cruise to Anchorage, Alaska will considerably shorten any nature-lover’s bucket list. Nestled between mountains and the Cook Inlet terminus, near many national and state parks, this hospitable haven is one of the best places to see Alaska wildlife. A city moose roaming the streets (there are about 1,500) is a regular sight and views of whales, puffins, otters, and Dall porpoises going about their days is just a short excursion away. Cruises to Anchorage are a must for those that want some of the most incredible bear viewing in the country.

Although the wildlife is reason alone to cruise to Anchorage Alaska, the culture of the city itself is worth exploring. Almost half of the state’s residents live in Anchorage, a population that largely comprises military members, Alaska Natives, adventurous transplants from the “lower 48,” and oil industry workers. Coffee and espresso huts dot every corner and fresh halibut, smoked salmon and reindeer dogs are among the local eats.

Anchorage is a year-round town. On some clear, dark nights during winter, the Northern Lights dance above. In spring, thousands of flowers planted by the city bloom to celebrate the season’s anticipated arrival. Summer brings the Midnight Sun where days can stretch to 19 hours. Take an Alaska cruise to Anchorage to discover national parks, scenic glaciers, unique landscapes and wildlife.

Outdoor activities abound in Anchorage. Adventurous locals (there are a lot of them in Alaska) enjoy skijoring, a sport where a person is pulled on skis by dogs or sometimes horses. The Tony Knowles Coastal Trail and Flattop Mountain Trail inside Chugach State Park offer hiking, biking, and wildlife sighting opportunities. Book an Anchorage cruise shore excursion and explore top destinations.

28th Ago 2026
En el mar
29th Ago 2026
Valdez, Alaska

A paradise for fishing enthusiasts, Valdez offers every kind of salmon, huge halibut and ample opportunity to reel them in. Rivers and streams spill into the Sound here and are ideal for kayaking.

30th Ago 2026
En el mar
31st Ago 2026
Crucero Glaciar Hubbard
1st Sep 2026

Situado a los pies de los grandes picos de las montañas sobre el Canal de Gastineau, la ciudad de Juneau tiene el gran glaciar Mendenhal por un ladoy los inmensos campos de hielo de Juneau por su puerta trasera. Juneau es un lugar para dejar volar su imaginación. Explore el exuberante Bosque Nacional Tongass. Visite las tiendas rústicas de la ciudad; pasee o salga en kayak, trineo de perros, balsa; realice excursiones, observación de ballenas, vuelos en avioneta o pesca. Aventura sin fin debido a las largas horas de luz del día. Suba en el tranvía hacia el Monte Roberts . Encontrará un gran lugar para ir de excursión y disparar una foto de recuerdo.

2nd Sep 2026

Construida sobre el agua y las escaleras resistentes, Ketchikan se aferra a las orillas de Tongass y cubre de las montañas con un aire alegre. Además de las principales atracciones – Creek Street, el Museo Histórico de Tongass, Totem Bight State Park y Saxman Village, intente un viaje panorámico en avión a los impresionantes Fiordos Misty, Monumento Nacional – una aventura de impacto que no debe perderse. Estos fiordos de aguas profundas dejadas atrás por los glaciares provocaron imponentes acantilados de granito que se elevan a miles de pies sobre el mar e innumerables cascadas que se transforman en plácidas aguas. Las fotos de recuerdo desde el puente valen la pena el viaje.

3rd Sep 2026
Prince Rupert British Colombia

Prince Rupert es una ciudad portuaria de la costa noroeste de la Columbia Británica. Es la puerta de entrada a zonas naturales como el hábitat de osos del Santuarrio de Grizzly Khutzeymateen. Tiendas y cafés salpican la zona ribereña de Cow Bay. El Museo del Norte de Columbia Británica exhibe el patrimonio natural y cultural de la región.

4th Sep 2026
Escénica de crucero
5th Sep 2026
6th Sep 2026
Seattle, Washington

La Ciudad Esmeralda del Pacífico Noroeste, Seattle es conocida por su impresionante paseo marítimo. “Catch” un salmón en el Pike Place Market, paseo a la cima del Space Needle, deguste una microcervecería local en Fremont, o una taza de café en la capital del café en el mundo.

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